+8801713-195400 sachetanraj@yahoo.com

Time Line


Year Important Milestones Achieved
1984 Registered with Social Welfare, Government of Bangladesh.
1993 Obtained financial support from NGO Forum for DWSS, water and sanitation programme (Village Center)
1994 Trickle up Program Supported by TUP-USA
1996 Advocacy Education for Civic Participation Programme (AECP) Supported by IVS- Asia Foundation.
1997 ☛ Registered with NGO Affairs Bureau, Government of Bangladesh
☛ Intregrated Rural Development Project (IRDP) Supported by Misereor, Germany

☛ Introduced CBO/Union  Federation based peoples participatory programme.

☛ Introduced micro-finance programme.

☛ Watsan Partnership project (WPP) operated with the support of DASCOH-Switzerland CARE, IDE

☛ SHABGE- assisted by CARE Bangladesh


☛ PKSF provided fund for micro-finance programme

☛ AWARE- assisted by CARE Bangladesh


☛ Child protection Community Mechanism & National Policy (CPCMNP) funded by  Save The Children-UK

☛ Rural Micro-Credit (RMC) Supported by PKSF

☛ ASEMB – assisted by SEMP


☛ Sustainable initiative for Strengthening Local Government (SISLG) Supported by SAP-BD & ARD-USAID

☛ Union Parishod Network Support Service (UPNSS)  Supported by SAP-BD & ARD-USAID


☛ Sustainable Solutions for the Delivery of Safe drinking water Supported by DASCOH

☛ Livelihood Empowerment & Agro-forestry (LEAF) Supported by  Inter Cooperation (IC)

☛ SAAKTI – Supported by Inter Cooperation (IC)

☛ Rural and Urban Good governance Advocacy Program (RUGAP) Supported by STEPS Towards Development (STD)


☛ KHASLAND – Supported by Inter Cooperation (IC)

☛ Ultra poor  Micro-Credit, Supported by PKSF

☛ Micro Enterprise,  Supported by PKSF


☛ SHARIQUE- Local Governance Program  with the support of Inter- cooperation (IC) Switzerland and CARE


☛ Democratic Local Government Program ( DLGP) Supported by SAP-BD & RTI – USAID

☛ Social Mobilization Marginalized Occupational Groups to attain Economic Justice Supported by Action Aid-


☛ Urban Micro-Credit (UMC) Supported by PKSF



☛ Livelihood Restoration Program Supported by PKSF

☛ FSVGD Program Supported by PKSF

☛ WASPA Supported by NGOF


☛ Obtained license from Micro-credit Regulatory Authority (MRA), Government of Bangladesh

☛ Decentralize Fish Seed Production (DSP) Supported by RDRS & WFC

2009 ☛ Livelihood Empowerment for Extreme Poor (LEEP) Supported by Misereor, Germany

☛ SHARIQU E extension  Program to Chapai Nawabganj

☛ AMADER Project Supported by NETZ, Bangladesh

2011 ☛ Sustainable Technology to Enhance Productivity for Ultra Poor (STEP-UP) supported by NETZ / EC

☛ Democratic Budget Movement (DBM) supported by AAB


☛ Nutrition project Supported by NETZ


☛ Actions for Combating Trafficking-in-Persons (ACT) program supported by Winrock International

☛ Justice For All (JFA) Program supported by The National Center for State Courts


☛ Water Commons, Action Aid Bangladesh

☛ SHARIQUE P-III Local Governance

☛ Water Safety Plan (WSP) funded by Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)


☛ Fiscal Governance supported by AAB

☛ Promoting Science Education (PSE) funded by Bangladesh Freedom Foundation (BFF)

☛ Bangladesh Combating Trafficking-in-Persons (BC-TIP) Program funded by Winrock International.

☛ Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship to Combat Human Trafficking funded by The American Center.


☛ Community Mobilization Program. Funded by Social Marketing Company (SMC)

☛ Urban Management of Internal Migration due to Climate Change (UMMCC II) project. Funded by GIZ.

2019 ☛ Promoting Peace and Justice (PPJ) Project. Funded by Democracy International(DI) USAID.



☛ Emergency cash/food and hygiene materials support COVID-19 affected. Funded by EDUCO, Bangladesh

☛ Community Mobilization Program. Funded by Social Marketing Company (SMC).


☛ Partnership with EDUCO

Advancement of the Indigenous Community through A & Y Development (Indigenous A &Y Development)

     supported by EDUCO.

Promote Inclusive and Equitable Primary Education for all the Children of GPS in hard-to- reach and Indigenous


Promoting Accelerated Learning-opportunities for Young-children in the Remote Areas of Bangladesh- PLAY

Partnership with BRAC

Skills Development Program.