Time Line
Year | Important Milestones Achieved |
1984 | Registered with Social Welfare, Government of Bangladesh. |
1993 | Obtained financial support from NGO Forum for DWSS, water and sanitation programme (Village Center) |
1994 | Trickle up Program Supported by TUP-USA |
1996 | Advocacy Education for Civic Participation Programme (AECP) Supported by IVS- Asia Foundation. |
1997 | ☛ Registered with NGO Affairs Bureau, Government of Bangladesh ☛ Intregrated Rural Development Project (IRDP) Supported by Misereor, Germany |
1998 |
☛ Introduced CBO/Union Federation based peoples participatory programme. ☛ Introduced micro-finance programme. ☛ Watsan Partnership project (WPP) operated with the support of DASCOH-Switzerland CARE, IDE ☛ SHABGE- assisted by CARE Bangladesh |
2000 |
☛ PKSF provided fund for micro-finance programme ☛ AWARE- assisted by CARE Bangladesh |
2002 |
☛ Child protection Community Mechanism & National Policy (CPCMNP) funded by Save The Children-UK ☛ Rural Micro-Credit (RMC) Supported by PKSF ☛ ASEMB – assisted by SEMP |
2003 |
☛ Sustainable initiative for Strengthening Local Government (SISLG) Supported by SAP-BD & ARD-USAID ☛ Union Parishod Network Support Service (UPNSS) Supported by SAP-BD & ARD-USAID |
2004 |
☛ Sustainable Solutions for the Delivery of Safe drinking water Supported by DASCOH ☛ Livelihood Empowerment & Agro-forestry (LEAF) Supported by Inter Cooperation (IC) ☛ SAAKTI – Supported by Inter Cooperation (IC) ☛ Rural and Urban Good governance Advocacy Program (RUGAP) Supported by STEPS Towards Development (STD) |
2005 |
☛ KHASLAND – Supported by Inter Cooperation (IC) ☛ Ultra poor Micro-Credit, Supported by PKSF ☛ Micro Enterprise, Supported by PKSF |
2006 |
☛ SHARIQUE- Local Governance Program with the support of Inter- cooperation (IC) Switzerland and CARE Bangladesh ☛ Democratic Local Government Program ( DLGP) Supported by SAP-BD & RTI – USAID ☛ Social Mobilization Marginalized Occupational Groups to attain Economic Justice Supported by Action Aid- Bangladesh. ☛ Urban Micro-Credit (UMC) Supported by PKSF |
☛ Livelihood Restoration Program Supported by PKSF ☛ FSVGD Program Supported by PKSF ☛ WASPA Supported by NGOF |
2008 |
☛ Obtained license from Micro-credit Regulatory Authority (MRA), Government of Bangladesh ☛ Decentralize Fish Seed Production (DSP) Supported by RDRS & WFC |
2009 | ☛ Livelihood Empowerment for Extreme Poor (LEEP) Supported by Misereor, Germany |
2010 |
☛ SHARIQU E extension Program to Chapai Nawabganj ☛ AMADER Project Supported by NETZ, Bangladesh |
2011 | ☛ Sustainable Technology to Enhance Productivity for Ultra Poor (STEP-UP) supported by NETZ / EC |
2012 |
☛ Democratic Budget Movement (DBM) supported by AAB ☛ HYSAWA supported by HYSAWA/GoB-DANIDA ☛ Nutrition project Supported by NETZ |
2013 |
☛ Actions for Combating Trafficking-in-Persons (ACT) program supported by Winrock International ☛ Justice For All (JFA) Program supported by The National Center for State Courts |
2014 |
☛ Water Commons, Action Aid Bangladesh ☛ SHARIQUE P-III Local Governance ☛ Water Safety Plan (WSP) funded by Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) |
2015 |
☛ Fiscal Governance supported by AAB ☛ Promoting Science Education (PSE) funded by Bangladesh Freedom Foundation (BFF) ☛ Bangladesh Combating Trafficking-in-Persons (BC-TIP) Program funded by Winrock International. ☛ Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship to Combat Human Trafficking funded by The American Center. |
2018 |
☛ Community Mobilization Program. Funded by Social Marketing Company (SMC) ☛ Urban Management of Internal Migration due to Climate Change (UMMCC II) project. Funded by GIZ. |
2019 | ☛ Promoting Peace and Justice (PPJ) Project. Funded by Democracy International(DI) USAID. |
☛ Emergency cash/food and hygiene materials support COVID-19 affected. Funded by EDUCO, Bangladesh ☛ Community Mobilization Program. Funded by Social Marketing Company (SMC). |
☛ Partnership with EDUCO ☛ Advancement of the Indigenous Community through A & Y Development (Indigenous A &Y Development) supported by EDUCO. ☛ Promote Inclusive and Equitable Primary Education for all the Children of GPS in hard-to- reach and Indigenous Communities. ☛ Promoting Accelerated Learning-opportunities for Young-children in the Remote Areas of Bangladesh- PLAY ☛ Partnership with BRAC ☛ Skills Development Program.