+8801713-195400 sachetanraj@yahoo.com

Implemented Previous Projects / Programs

  • Water and sanitation program (Village Center)
  • Trickle up Program (TUP)
  • Advocacy Education for Civic Participation Program (AECP)
  • Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDP)
  • Introduced CBO/Union Federation based people’s participatory program
  • Watson Partnership project (WPP)
  • Child protection Community Mechanism & National Policy (CPCMNP)
  • Awareness on Sustainable Management Program in Barind Tract (ASEMB)
  • Sustainable initiative for Strengthening Local Government (SISLG)
  • Union Parishod Network Support Service (UPNSS).
  • Sustainable Solutions for the Delivery of Safe drinking water
  • Livelihood Empowerment & Agro- forestry (LEAF)
  • Rural and Urban Good governance Advocacy Program (RUGAP)
  • SHARIQUE- Local Governance Program
  • Democratic Local Government Program ( DLGP)
  • Social Mobilization Marginalized Occupational Groups to attain Economic Justice
  • Decentralize Fish Seed Production (DSP)
  • Livelihood Empowerment for Extreme Poor (LEEP)
  • Livelihood Empowerment and Agro Forestry (LEAF)
  • SHARIQUE extension Program
  • Promoting Advocacy and Rights (PAR) Project
  • AMADER Project
  • Sustainable Technology to Enhance Productivity for Ultra Poor (STEP-UP)
  • Democratic Budget Movement (DBM)
  • NGO Cooperation Unit (NCU)
  • Nutrition project
  • Actions for Combating Trafficking-in-Persons (ACT) program
  • Justice For All (JFA) Program
  • SHARIQUE P-III Local Governance
  • Water Safety Plan (WSP)
  • Promoting Science Education (PSE)
  • Bangladesh Combating Trafficking-in-Persons (BC-TIP) Program
  • Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship to Combat Human Trafficking
  • Water Commons
  • Fiscal Governance
  • SDSD